
My name is Laura, and I live in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. A few years ago, my relationship with food changed. I ate more frequently, and no longer stopped when I was satisfied – I stopped when my stomach felt full, long past the point of satisfaction. I lost a lot of my self-control, and with it my confidence.

I began my weight loss and fitness journey a few years ago, when I realized that something needed to change, but I was only recently able to kick it into high gear to achieve the results I want.  I’ve learned so much about fitness and eating right, and learned that much of what we’re told just isn’t true. I’m here to talk about what’s really good for you, and what will actually help you achieve your goals! My journey has only just begun, so I’ll be progressing throughout the blog. Along the way I’ll also be sharing product reviews, recipes, and my experiences and adventures in the Puget Sound area!

3 Responses to “About”

  1. Bobby June 11, 2013 at 6:35 PM #

    Hi Laura,

    I really enjoyed your article “why women should lift heavy weights”. I’m currently working with a supplements website in Colombia and would like to translate it to Spanish and post it on the site. Obviously I would name you as the author and link it to your blog. Would this be ok?

    Kind regards

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