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An Update

6 Jan

It’s been a long time since I’ve posted here.

I’ve had a lot of major life changes since I last posted. A few months after my last post, I got out of a long-term relationship that I was very unhappy in, and moved back in with my family close by. I got a new job (non-fitness related), didn’t care much for that one, and left that to work in a restaurant nearby. I met someone who has made me truly happy, and who I love with all my heart, and am lucky enough to spend most of my free time with him and his roommates, all close friends of mine.

I lost sight of what my priorities were over the past year as far as fitness goes. I was fortunate, because even though I work in a restaurant with delicious, often times greasy food, I’m on my feet for up to 12 hours a day. We even have upstairs seating, and I tracked how many times I went up the stairs on a double shift, and got up to about 50. Even though I was eating too much, drinking too often, and generally not being all that active, I still lost weight. But I wasn’t happy with where I was at health/fitness-wise. I was going to the gym infrequently, and eating out too much.

This is some of the food we have at my restaurant. Seriously guys. It's a spiced jar cake. And ice cream. And whiskey.

This is some of the food we have at my restaurant. Seriously guys. It’s a spiced jar cake. And ice cream. And whiskey.

I’ve recently begun to get back on track with cooking healthier meals at home and getting back into the gym/fitness in general, and it feels great. I feel like myself again. There’s one thing I’m a little concerned about though. Looking back at the tone of my previous posts, I just sound angry and frustrated that people don’t know how to best achieve their goals, but that’s not really fair when we’ve been fed the wrong information for so long. It may sound weird, but I’ll be going back and editing all my posts that are too hostile. I was at a bad place in my relationship when I started this blog, and that frustration and bitterness seeped into every aspect of my life. I want this to be a palatable space where people can learn great new things about fitness without feeling dumb or ignorant for being uninformed or misinformed.

I’m not a big believer in New Year’s Resolutions, since they seem to be an easy way for people to say “THIS time, I’ll change,” but I truly want to and am dedicated to changing. I want this to me a constant in my life, as it brings nothing but happiness for me. So here’s to a new start, a new year, a new life. It’s going to be a good one 🙂