Tag Archives: update

Exciting News!

16 Jun

Last week was rough. I got a migraine Tuesday evening, which also took me out on Wednesday, and then Thursday morning I got another mini migraine. I’d planned on working out on two of those days, and instead chose to take off from the gym until Saturday. Last week was rough.

However, I’m really excited to share some news with you. I recently made a big decision that I’ve been sitting on for a while: I’m going to become a personal trainer! On Memorial Day I bought my NASM study materials (thank you Memorial Day sale, you saved me $150!) and they came in on migraine day! I’ve been studying a bit every day, and I have to say, I’ve never been this excited about learning, ever. This is also the first time I’ve ever been excited about my career, let alone known what I want to do. It’s an incredible feeling, and definitely one I could get used to.

Now for a blog update. I’ve really been slacking, what with summer plans (we’re becoming notorious for always being super busy during the summer), studying, going to the gym, cooking, and trying to keep a cleaner house. I’ve got some ideas for new posts though, so I’ll be working on them as much as I can. My current internship will be finishing up next Friday, and as of right now I don’t have another job lined up yet (yikes!), so I may have some down time between jobs where I can update a lot! But hopefully not too much time.

I’ve also been trying to get some more recipes together, take photos and all that good stuff, but I’m currently unable to locate my camera, and every time I try to upload pictures from my phone, they end up ENORMOUS…but I’ll figure it out soon enough. If my migraine from Tuesday taught me anything, it’s that I desperately need to have food prepared and frozen for when I’m sick or generally incapable of cooking. I have a recipe for chicken “noodle” soup that I’ve got typed up, and I just need to find my camera so I can take pictures while I make another batch, then freeze a bunch of it for those days where cooking just isn’t possible.

So keep your eyes out for some more posts in the next couple weeks, and thanks for your patience with everything!
